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Ausgeburt der Hölle (1981)

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Ted Rusoff
Voice actor
No. Title Actor Role
1 Little Rita of the West (Little Rita of the West) Gordon Mitchell Häuptling Sitzender Büffel
2 The Tough and the Mighty (The Though and the Mighty) Don Backy Miguel Lopez
3 The revenge of Trinity (The revenge of Trinity) Máximo Valverde Ramón
4 Four Flies on Grey Velvet (Four flies on grey velvet) Gildo Di Marco Briefträger
5 Can be done... Amigo (Can be done... Amigo) Raffaele Mottola Bankangestellter
6 Crime Busters (Crime Busters) Luciano Rossi Geronimo
7 Odds and Evens (Odds and Evens) Riccardo Pizzuti Mack
8 Flatfoot in Egypt (Flatfoot in Egypt) Mahmoud Kabil Leutnant Kevir, Freund von Conny
9 Banana Joe (Banana Joe (engl.)) Giorgio Bracardi José Félipe María Marquíno
10 Bomber (Bomber (engl.)) Jerry Calà Jerry
11 Big Man: An unusual insurance (Big Man: An unusual insurance) Raymond Pellegrin Caruso
12 Big Man: Boomerang (Big Man - Boomerang (engl.)) Raymond Pellegrin Caruso
13 Big Man: Let the buried lie (Big Man: Let the buried lie) Michel Constantin Xavier Gaudin
14 Big Man: The False Etruscan (Big Man: The False Etruscan) Raymond Pellegrin Caruso
15 Big Man: Another Falling Star (Big Man: Another Falling Star) Bruno Di Luia Alfons Calet
Number of visits: 2050